Kamana Transport Service


Email: contact@nepalvehicle.com
Call: +977 4381308, 9841465174

Our Service

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Car Service:

A Car can accommodate maximum of 04 people including the driver.


  1. AC, None AC
  2. Seat belt
  3. 01 to 04 Pax
  4. Toyota, Nissan, Indica Car, Mazda Car, Sunny Car etc

VAN Service:

A Van can accommodate maximum of 06 people including the driver.


  1. AC, None AC
  2. Seat belt
  3. 01 to 07 Pax
  4. ECO Van, Toyota Van, Nissan Van, KIA Van etc

HIACE Service:

A Haice can accommodate maximum of 10 people including the driver.


  1. AC, None AC
  2. Seat belt
  3. 01 to 15 Pax
  4. Toyota Haice, Nissan Haice, KIA Haice etc

MINI BUS Service:

A Mini Bus can accommodate maximum of 20 people including the driver.


  1. AC, None AC
  2. Seat belt
  3. 01 to 27 Pax
  4. TATA, Toyota etc

COASTER Service:

A Coaster can accommodate maximum of 18 people including the driver.


  1. AC, None AC
  2. Seat belt
  3. 01 to 20 Pax
  4. Toyota, KIA, Nissan, TATA, etc

BIG BUS Service:

A Big bus can accommodate maximum of 35-40 people including the driver.


  1. AC, None AC
  2. Seat belt
  3. 01 to 35 Pax
  4. TATA, Toyota etc


A Sutlej Bus can accommodate maximum of 34 people including the driver.


  1. AC, None AC
  2. Seat belt
  3. 01 to 35 Pax
  4. TATA, Toyota etc


A Land Cruiser or Pajero can accommodate maximum of 04 people including the driver.


  1. AC, None AC
  2. Seat belt
  3. 01 to 08 Pax
  4. TATA, Toyota, Nissan, Bolero etc

Contact Details

Kamana Transport Service Pvt. Ltd.

P.O Box: 5019, Thamel, Kathmandu, Nepal

Tel: +977 1 4381308, 9841884929
Cell: +977 9841465174 (Nabaraj)

Website: www.nepalvehicle.com
Email: contact@nepalvehicle.com

Nepal Travel Packages